Every viral meme from 2018, ranked from worst to best - Hindustan Times


Wednesday 2 January 2019

Every viral meme from 2018, ranked from worst to best

Every viral meme from 2018, ranked from worst to best

Mamma Meme-a, here we go again!

As we face into the frankly fake sounding year of 2019, we must pause and reflect on the special times we've shared together this year, especially involving memes.
If I had pulled you aside this time last year and said "Telling lies, ha ha ha" or "They did surgery on a grape", you would've nodded and smiled, then taken out your phone and made arrangements for me to be taken away on the grounds of insanity.
But now that we've lived through the shitshow that was 2018 and come out the other side, credit must be paid to the things that made us laugh, albeit briefly.
I've ranked every viral meme from 2018, from best to worst. All decisions are final. Please, I beg you, do not @ me.

30. U Want This?
luring my drunk friends home

( • . •)
/ >🌮u want this?

( • - •)
🌮< \ get in the fucking uber
46.5K people are talking about this
( • . •)
/ > 🍑 Kelly, can u handle this?

( • . •)
/ > 🍑 Michelle, can u handle this?

( • . •)
/ > 🍑 Beyoncé, can u handle this?

( •- •)
🍑< \ I don’t think u can handle this
22.6K people are talking about this
( • . •)
/ >⚱️

( • - •)
⚱️< \

( • . •)
/ >⚱️

( • - •)
⚱️< \

( • . •)
/ >⚱️

( • - •)
⚱️< \

( • . •)
/ >⚱️

( • - •)
⚱️< \

( • _ •)
/ >🍸 your cocktail's ready
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In the year of our Lord 2018, surely we can do a lot better than figuring out the equivalent of how to write 'boobs' on a calculator. Why are we reverting back to manual emojis as if they're vinyl or cassettes that provide "a different vibe, man"?. Although 'U want this?' perfectly encapsulates the stupidity that us internet users are privy to, it's important to acknowledge that we, as a society, no matter how dim some of us are, can do better. It's cute, but it's very dumb and we are leaving it behind once the clock strikes midnight on 31st December 2018, got it? Good.

29. To All The Boys
Netflix released a movie called 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' this year and precisely one person did a funny tweet, then things spiralled out of control. Now to be fair, the movie was a delicious dose of tweenage rom-com trash, but that's all it ever should've been. The two lead actors now have a combined Instagram following of 22 million people. It is insanity, as was the meme format which was luckily quite short-lived. Again, I firmly believe that we can do better. Sometimes it's okay to see a funny tweet and then move on rather than joining in and burning the concept into the ground.

28. Don't Say It
*Gets in taxi*

My brain:
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don’t say it
Don’t say it

Me: “Been busy?”
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*sees road work ahead sign*

my brain:
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it
don’t say it

me: i sUrE hOpE iT dOeS
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Man at the q&a part of the book panel:

Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don’t say it

Man: ‘It’s less of a question and more of a comment...’
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Approximately five of these tweets was funny, then it became an exhausted meme that required extra scrolling during the daily trudge through the internet because of its offensive length. The format was obliterated within days, whereby people completely missed the mark and failed to understand the very simple concept, which was that you say something you're not supposed to say, rather than a quirky statement. We must bury this meme and never speak of it again, quite literally agreeing that we don't say 'don't say it' for the rest of our natural lives. Thank you.

27. Change My Mind
Honestly the world is just sick of looking at the smug little face on Steven Crowder as he prepares to sip on what I am absolutely certain is room temperature tap water out of a dusty mug. Every time it pops up on the timeline, the content is completely glossed over because of the shitty sideways image and his punchable expression. The original sign said 'Male privilege is a myth. Change my mind'. That in itself is very funny. There was no need to parody the preexisting parody. I hope he goes away and we never see this dumb meme again in 2019 and beyond.

26. Weird Flex But Ok
Girl: *doesn’t have a ring on left ring finger*
Male student at Christian college: weird flex but ok
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This is a pretty funny statement, but it should never have been granted meme status. It's like the Budweiser 'Whassssssssup' movement of 1999. Can you imagine how insufferable the internet would've been if Twitter existed back then? Or WhatsApp voice notes? Jesus Christ. 'Weird flex but ok' is definitely something that's acceptable to use in everyday discourse, but did it deserve to gain meme level in 2018? Honestly, no. The memes it inspired were weak and that's as a direct result of the concept being mediocre to begin with. Goodbye.

25. He's Not Your Man
ladies, if he:

• expects you to clean the house
• is trying to rush you into marriage
• dreams of being an actor
• has a tattoo of an eye on his ankle
• wants the immense fortune left behind by your dead parents

he’s not your man. he’s famed conman & murderer count olaf.
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Ladies, if he:

-only responds if u text in emojis
-doesn’t care about your single wife policy
-refuses to wear anything but fine linens
-is a staunch polytheist
-claims victory at Kadesh when it was a tie

He’s not your man. He’s Egypt’s greatest king from Dyn 19, Ramesses II
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ladies, if he...

- threatens you with constant messages
- always wondering where you are
- blames you for not making him happy enough
- judges the way you speak
- makes your undying love into a game for him

He’s not your man, he’s Duo, the duolingo owl
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In what is basically an agony aunt column turned into sponsored content specifically geared at going viral among teenage girls, this meme is weak. It's the Rudolph of memes, constantly getting picked on by the others but still getting Christmas songs written about it because the world is populated entirely by morons. As time went on in this meme's shelf life, the setups became more elaborate and we were reading well over our tolerance levels for literature. This meme pleads a strong case for Twitter reverting back to the 140 character limit, tbh.

24. Savage Patrick
reading message previews from the pull down bar on my phone and not answering for the next 7 hours
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View image on TwitterView image on Twitter
When you having dinner at your girls and she says “daddy pass the salt” and you and her father both reach for it
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The image does all the heavy lifting here, with the caption rarely living up to its brilliance. The hook is that Patrick Star is generally a very loveable idiot who plays sidekick to his best friend, so it's unexpected to see him occupying the mindset of a villain, albeit very briefly. The initial point stands. Very few viral memes had the right captions to suit his harrowing facial expression and uncomfortably voluptuous lower eyelids. The heavily sexualised ones were kinda funny though, credit where it's due.

23. Sexuality Survey

⚪️ Gay

⚪️ Straight

🔘 I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?
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The layout was aesthetically pleasing, that deserves to be noted. As was the intention, which was for people to share their unconventional interests like how 50 Shades of Grey should've been, but then the meme just turned into people using the opportunity to write song lyrics and movie quotes in all caps with a view to getting retweets. It was a classic case of a meme starting out well, but then descending into base level humour. It deserved more, we all did. But we can learn from our mistakes. For example, the layout can be reduced, reused and recycled in 2019.

22. Not A Cellphone In Sight
not a cell phone in sight. seriously so amazing what the world would look like if we just got off our phones. wish we could go back
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This meme turned out to be a classic case of the first iteration being very funny, then everything else that followed going to shite. The intent is definitely there, wanting to make fun of gammons who think that olden times were the pinnacle of existence where you couldn't instantly contact your favourite celebrity using a small device in your pocket, telling them that you'd like them to spit in your mouth. The gammon has been bodied again and again so it was nice to add to the discourse, but sadly this meme got very stale very quickly.

21. In This Essay...
To truly understand the impact of the boys being back in town, one must first examine the circumstances that led to the boys’ departure in the first place. In this essay, I will
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Wario and Waluigi are inverse versions of Mario and Luigi, hence the "W" names – "M" upside down, or inverted. For this reason, the evil version of Peach would not be called "WaPeach," but rather, "beach." In this essay I will
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Much like the previous meme, this one again fell victim to having a very short shelf-life. It's nobody's fault, no one can predict how long a meme is going to last. The nerds chime in with their own versions and try to get things to a level where they're constantly evolving, finding new territory and hitting that 100k retweet threshold. But sometimes, we fail. This meme format has a few hits, but unfortunately the rest are misses. It won't be remembered for a long time to come, but for a little while , it slapped reasonably hard. We must now lay it to rest.

20. One Taught Me Love
In a very clever marketing ploy for Ariana Grande's upcoming world tour, this meme went far and wide above all expectations. Whoever first devised the format is owed a great deal of commendation as it's smart and original. However, the entire population of earth bandwagoned on the concept and drove it fast and furiously into the ground before long. Experts suggest that 1 in 3 people tried to make a 'One taught me...' meme in the fiscal year of 2018, none of which were funny. Sometimes it's okay to step back and allow the funny people to take the reins.

19. Most Ambitious Crossover
Marvel was well and truly bodied by this meme after claiming that Avengers: Infinity War was the most ambitious crossover in history. The internet at large banded together to make fun of the franchise in a gentle way, and for a time, it was good, wholesome fun. Then it got old very quickly, especially once the folks over on Facebook caught wind of it approximately six months after it was popular. Still, it was a lot of fun while it lasted and everyone learned a valuable lesson: We, as a society, are far more powerful when we body together instead of alone.

18. If You Don't Love Me
This was a solid meme, but the formatting was chaos. People were using desktop, others on their phones and some lunatics even used iPads to create the structure which rarely worked out. The year is 2018, we can make a baked potato in five minutes using the microwave, it really shouldn't be that hard to align text in a tweet. Yet here we are, giving a good meme a low placement on an important list because the formatting so often let it down. Plus, it got pretty stale once the celebrities started trying to shoehorn their career highlights into it.

17. I Don't Feel So Good
Avengers: Infinity War continued to be bodied throughout 2018 with this visually pleasing meme, which involves disintegrating images in a nod to the ending of the film. What's great about this meme is that it was only adapted by the more technologically advanced internet users, meaning it escaped hitting the usual base level standard of output every meme eventually reaches towards the end of its life cycle. It was an original meme and one that stuck around for just the right amount of time, mainly due to its difficulty in producing. Well done to all involved.

16. Bibble

See michelle's other Tweets
Fall Out Boy: “we’re goin’”

See Harley Walker's other Tweets
This meme was slightly limited in its reach in the sense that it mostly revolved around singing, but there was still a lot of ground to cover as internet users surpassed themselves with their output. Bibble is an adorable little creature from the Barbie movies, which you can see a snippet from here. Regardless of which internet user was sinfully watching the Barbie movie and spotted this golden piece of content, the world is now a far better place with Bibble in it. Who among us hasn't pulled the above expression at karaoke or from the comfort of a private shower concert? We are one.

15. Life With Mak
Frankly I am sick of the sight of this young girl's face, but am willing to set that aside and pay homage to a very decent meme. Life With MaK does ASMR videos which some internet genius discovered makes for incredible meme content. Once these clips reached the mainstream, things fell into place and the world finally started to make sense again. The longevity is endless, as MaK continues to make videos and the relatable captions keep coming. This one could go all the way to 2019 and even beyond. Excellent work to all involved. Keep up the good work.

14. American Chopper
As a concept, American Chopper is already very funny. A father and son make motorbikes together while arguing the entire time because they are two people that should never have gone into business with each other under any circumstances. Taking one of their typically explosive encounters and adding text is funny before it has even taken place, so naturally the meme is a total triumph (little motorcycle reference there, thank you). The possibilities are endless, especially when you flip the format and make it seem like they're showering each other with praise despite their aggressive body language.

13. Tired SpongeBob
How such a simple image and caption format took off we can never understand, nor do we need to. SpongeBob featured in a lot of meme formats this year, as he does every year to be fair, but this one was by far the most fruitful of the bunch. As humans, we are tired all the time. Life is a relentless demand on our time and energy, slowly chipping away until the day we die. SpongeBob gets that. All it takes is an absolutely banging caption to revive this meme time and time again. Sure, there were a few doozies, but the ones that slapped really bloody slapped.

12. Mike Wazowski
The Script: What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you, and what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're OK

5th grade me: I'm falling to pieces
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It's basically the Bibble meme but coming from a more recognisable character, with added production value. There's something about a meme with an image overlay that always slaps, see the many cat owners posing with their pets for reference. Add to that the breakout star of Monsters, Inc. and you're onto a winner. The meme wasn't even confined to music, it reached all breadth of content and relatability. As a visual presence, Mike Wazowski is hysterical, so gaining meme status was an easy journey. With that said, is it time to retire the format now that every possible avenue has been explored? Probably, yes.

11. FBI Agents

My boyfriend: *leaves the room*

The fbi agent in my webcam: No I totally see what you mean.

Me: right? He's weird today. How's your husband?

FBI agent: he wants us to open our marriage

Me: that's rough janet.
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