Protecting Humanity In The Face Of Artificial Intelligence - Hindustan Times


Tuesday 8 January 2019

Protecting Humanity In The Face Of Artificial Intelligence

The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) — from artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), through artificial general intelligence (AGI), to artificial super intelligence (ASI) — is on its way to changing everything. It's expected that soon, artificial intelligence will combine the intricacy and pattern recognition strength of human intelligence with the speed, memory and knowledge sharing of machine intelligence.
As the rise of AI continues, AI is challenging and changing not only the way humans live, learn and work, but also how entities across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) construct their commercial and economic industries and markets. With this technology driven growth of artificial intelligence, the need to do most manual, mathematical and mundane work is already in decline and will likely be greatly diminished in the coming years. Moreover, with all these new digital assistants and decision-making algorithms assisting and directing humans, more complex day-to-day work for humans is being greatly lessened.
While attempts to create artificial intelligence have fueled many applications and technological advances, it's fundamentally the increased processing capabilities that have made it possible to design intelligent machines that can rapidly compute and make intelligent implications from diverse data inputs. Despite these rapid advances in processing capabilities, human-like artificial intelligence, however, remains hard to determine—as it still requires further understanding of how to replicate human brain performance and processing in computers. While many computer scientists believe that mimicking the processing method of the human brain will be the key to achieving human-like artificial intelligence, that alone is perhaps not enough, and many other variables will need to be evaluated, like memory and conscience.

Moreover, since current computer processing systems are not efficiently able to process the massive amounts of diverse data and information required to achieve human brain-like processing power, there is perhaps a need for developing a fundamentally new computing system and new computing hardware and software infrastructures that are mathematically correct, adaptable, energy independent and secure.

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