U.S. Manufacturing Can Take The Punches - It Is Stronger Than You Think - Hindustan Times


Monday 7 January 2019

U.S. Manufacturing Can Take The Punches - It Is Stronger Than You Think

The December drop in the ISM (Institute for Supply Management) Manufacturing Index seemed to bring the bad news that many feared and yet wanted to see—like a scary scene in a horror movie. The one-month fall was eye-catching: 5 percentage points, the sharpest since the end of 2008. It lined up well with concerns over weakening global growth and subpar stock market performance. It bolstered fears that the trade war with China has started to take a toll on U.S. economic activity. And it provided fuel to the argument that the Fed should stop hiking interest rates. Economists in investment banks and research institutes will be busy updating their recession probability models.
But something in the data does not quite add up. We should be careful not to rush to see just what we want to see.
Initial reactions were quick to link the December drop in the manufacturing ISM to protectionism and slowing global growth. But the sub-index for New Export Orders increased, to 52.8 from 52.2, showing that export orders not only kept growing, but grew at a faster pace in December than in the previous two months. Low expansion levels, to be sure, and well below the robust numbers recorded from end-2016 through last September, reflecting weaker global growth and a stronger U.S. dollar. But manufacturing export orders stabilized in November and improved in December, rather than deteriorating further—even though most recent data have indeed flagged a further loss of momentum in both China and Europe.
The second dissonant note comes from employment. December Non-Farm Payrolls, released yesterday, showed that in 2018 U.S. manufacturing recorded the strongest increase in employment in over twenty years (since 1997). And in this year of record employment growth, the fourth quarter was the strongest quarter, and December was the strongest month.

If the manufacturing sector is losing steam, why does manufacturing employment still go from strength to strength?
We have seen above that the ISM new export orders do not show a more severe drag from weaker global growth. As for the domestic economy, the November ISM index for the services sector remained at a record-high level (December data have not yet been released); and overall employment growth in December far exceeded expectations, capping a very strong year with an uptick in labor participation (the share of people of working age who are working or looking for a job), unemployment below 4%, and average hourly earnings recording the strongest full-year rise in this expansion cycle, at 3.2%. The U.S. economy has lost some momentum, but remains quite healthy—which provides home-grown support to the manufacturing sector.
How do we square all this with the sharp drop in the ISM manufacturing index? First of all, the ISM is a survey-based index and is fairly volatile: we have already seen three significant downswings in the index during 2018, followed by as many rebounds. This suggests we should take any single data point with a grain of salt. Second, uncertainty on political and geopolitical risks, and on the extent to which funding costs could rise, have probably made manufacturing business leaders more cautious at this mature stage of the business cycle—the proliferation of headlines warning of a possible impending recession has not helped either.

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