Young Voters Bring New Energy To Politics On National Voter Registration Day - Hindustan Times


Tuesday 8 January 2019

Young Voters Bring New Energy To Politics On National Voter Registration Day

Kathryn Quintin, Partnerships Manager at Young Invincibles, and Daniela Mrabti, Digital & Special Projects Coordinator at the Alliance for Youth Organizing, are guest contributors for the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
Young people don’t vote because they don’t care. They’re too lazy. They’re just not interested in the political process.
For years, these explanations have been used to illustrate a perceived political apathy among young people and why they tend to turn out in lower numbers than older generations. However, we know this narrative to be far from the truth.
Young people are as engaged as ever this election. In fact, recent polls show that one-third of young people are “absolutely certain” to vote, and 56 percent are likely to vote. Yet, college students still face their own set of unique challenges when trying to vote.
MOVE Texas celebrating registering 1,508 people to vote on National Voter Registration Day
MOVE Texas celebrating registering 1,508 people to vote on National Voter Registration DayCOURTESY OF MOVE TEXAS
Whether they are physical barriers—like complicated registration processes, locating their polling place in a new city, and transportation to the polls—or behavioral barriers like not building political participation into their everyday lives or overestimating the difficulty of registering to vote. These barriers are very real roadblocks to voting for today’s students.
It’s everyone’s responsibility to help students get the knowledge, tools, resources, and community support they need to cast their ballot. Rather than lamenting that students don’t care enough to vote, we must ensure the voice of America’s future is represented and has the tools to vote this November.
That is why Young Invincibles and the Alliance for Youth Organizing are working with colleges  nationwide to hold campus takeovers on National Voter Registration Day.
Held annually on the fourth Tuesday of September, and co-created by the Alliance for Youth Organizing, National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) is an event focused on helping Americans register to vote and update their registration so they do not miss a voter registration deadline ahead of Election Day.
This year NVRD is Tuesday, September 25, and we’re taking NVRD events to nearly 500 campuses across the country. Students have so much at stake in this election and are eager to engage their peers. We’re already seeing the incredible impact these kinds of efforts have had in Texas.
Last year alone, civic engagement and youth power organization MOVE Texas registered 1,508 people to vote on National Voter Registration Day on campuses across San Antonio. This year, they’ll be registering voters on 22 college campuses across the state, including partnering with Texas A&M International University (TAMIU), the campus with the highest enrollment of Latinx students in the United States.
With the help of their student government association, political science association, college athletes, student bands, and more, TAMIU will be hosting live music and holding a “shoot the hoop” competition—all with the goal of promoting voter registration.
This collaboration between MOVE and TAMIU is the epitome of what the Campus Takeover program can be—an effort to make voter registration fun, easy, and accessible for all students.
Like so many other student-led organizations and campus allies from across the country, MOVE is working to make voting a way of life on college campuses. When an entire campus community comes together to support students voting, students will turn out.
Join this movement and register your community to vote! Find a local NVRD event and learn how to support National Voter Registration Day here.

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