Shah Rukh Khan’s relationship with his little son Abram in undeniably the cutest father-son bond in Bollywood. The duo is not just seen together while waving to fans outside Mannat or on vacations, but SRK makes sure that he has his little company on shoot sets as well. Abram is often seen accompanying super father Shah Rukh Khan on sets and as much as the actor loves acting, he loves to have Abram around as well.
Recently, ace photographer Avinash Gowarikar took to his Twitter to share a picture of Shah Rukh Khan and his little munchkin Abram giving an insight to the warm bond they share. He wrote, “The bond SRK shares with Abram is fascinating! It's adorable to see @iamsrk answering each complicated question that is asked by Abram on set...every answer that he gives is like he is talking to an adult... what is coolest is that it seems that Abram understands everything!!” In the picture, SRK and Abram are seen doing peek-a-boo form behind the curtain and are seeing directly into the camera. Check out the post here-
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Instagram is loaded with adorable pictures of himself with his son Abram. The duo love spending time together and SRK, being a family man, devotes most of his time to his family. Post Zero release, SRK is enjoying his time with family and keeps treating his fans with sneak peeks from their time together on Instagram. He recently, shared some candid pictures of his boys, Abram and Aryan, on his Instagram. Sharing the pictures, he wrote, “Winning is only half of it..having fun the other half...Playing is All of it!! The Playboys’ mantra”. In one picture, SRK is showing a certificate and medal to his youngest son Abram while in the second picture, Aryan is giving video gaming classes to his little brother.
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Zero starring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif. He hasn’t announced his next project yet but was supposed to be seen in Rakesh Sharma biopic helmed by Kabir Khan. However, the reports suggests that he has quit the movie to start shooting for the next installment of Don franchise.
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