Vivo recently announced its new sub-brand a few days back and has now confirmed that the upcoming smartphone will come powered by the latest Snapdragon 855 processor. The phone was also seen during the 2019 NBA All-Star Weekend that showcased the device with triple rear cameras.
There were initial reports about the phone to be a foldable device that powers on Snapdragon 855 chipset but turns out that it would be a regular smartphone that even got showcased live during a live television broadcast.
The handset was seen first on television at an NBA All-Star broadcast in China that showed a model holding the iQOO smartphone. The phone can't be seen in a close-up shot so nothing clearly can be said about the design as if now, but what we can derive is the fact that the phone could possibly be a premium handset.
The only thing that can be confirmed about the new phone is the triple rear camera at the back. The company has also confirmed that it will feature a sixth-generation in-display fingerprint scanner that will cover more part of the screen to unlock the phone, unlike the existing unlock feature.
It's unclear what the exact specifications of the phone would be like and will have to wait a few more weeks before the company makes it official.
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