Confirming all the reports surrounding an impending wedding, Tamil actor Arya made a grand announcement on Valentine’s Day. The actor took to his Twitter account, where he posted a picture of himself with actress Sayyeshaa and wrote: “Happy Valentines Day #Blessed @sayyeshaa (sic).”
Also attached was a note that read: “With the blessings of our parents and family, we are delighted to share with you the most beautiful day of our lives. We are getting married this March! We seek your love and blessings in our new journey of happiness and togetherness. (sic).”
Signed “Arya and Sayyeshaa”, the news soon brought in hordes of congratulatory messages for the duo aged, even though there were many who raised eyebrows on the massive age gap between the two. They are aged 38 and 22 respectively.
Having met on the sets of Ghajinikanth, they eventually joined again to work on Kaappaan. Having grown close on the sets of the first, they fell in love eventually and apparently spoke to their parents to take the relationship ahead.
The couple is set to get married in a grand Muslim nikaah ceremony in Hyderabad, where Sayyeshaa bought a house after her debut film Akhil released. Actors Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu, Sayyeshaa’s grand uncle and aunt, alongside other Bollywood celebrities are expected to be present at the ceremonies.
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