Relationship tips: 5 best tips on how to break up with your partner without any guilt - Hindustan Times


Monday 18 March 2019

Relationship tips: 5 best tips on how to break up with your partner without any guilt

It is all right if you have already tried millions of time to improve your love life and things didn't work out. Always remember that whatever happens, happens for some good reason. If your instinct says that it is time to break up with your partner, do it guiltlessly but remember to end it on a positive note.
While the reason for breaking up with your girlfriend or boyfriend could be any, what's important is that you both mutually understand the cause and separate happily. Even if your break up isn't a mutual consent, try and make your partner understand that things aren't on the right track and having a break will be healthy for both the persons' physical and mental well-being.
Saying all that, if your partner still refuses to understand, we bring you ways to break up with your bae without any guilt. Read on to find out five best tips for breaking up with your love partner in a better way!
Talk about your problem
You just don't get up one day and say you need a break-up. Of course, there must be a chain of thoughts if you want to break up with your partner. So before jumping onto any decision, talk about your problem with your significant other. Convey to your partner what's bothering you and see if you two can find a solution to it. 
Give some signals
If things aren't right and you think to break up is the only solution left, then do not drag your lifeless relationship. But in case you think it would be hard for your partner, then start dropping hints for him/her. Declaring it as a break up may hurt them even more. Doing things like limiting your conversations, exchanging fewer messages and not going out with them, may indicate that you are serious about your break up.
Be clear and do it
Once you have made up your mind and gave plenty of time to your partner for his/her mental preparations to have a break-up -just do it. The more you'll drag it, the more it'll be painful for both of you to separate. One thing to make sure is that you tell your partner about this in person. Break up texts can hurt your partner and might not even convey the right feelings. A face-to-face conversation will help you avoid misunderstandings.
Hear him/her out for once
Remember why you were giving a few signals to your partner before calling it a break-up because you know that it is hard for your partner as well. So, even after having a break-up, your partner wants to say something -hear him/her out patiently. Give them a chance to speak and answer all their questions honestly.
Tip: Such conversations can melt your heart. So, be firm and stick to your decision if your partner pleads you to change it.
Finally, move on
With this break-up guide, we do understand that putting a full-stop on your love relationship can never be easy. But if you have done it for the right reasons, there is no other reason left to feel sad about it. Give yourself some time, reiterate yourself the cause of having a break up with your partner and try and move on in your life.

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