AI tools help tech firms find the right hand for the job - Hindustan Times


Thursday 18 April 2019

AI tools help tech firms find the right hand for the job

AI tools help tech firms find the right hand for the job

Technology firms who build artificial intelligence based solutions for clients globally are increasingly using the tech to demonstrate its effectiveness internally, particularly in their people functions due to the sheer numbers they handle.

Companies are tapping into a mix of technologies like AI, natural language processing and machine learning to drive value from the large stores of data they have accumulated over the years. Technology services firms such as Cognizant, Tech Mahindraand Capgemini look at tens of thousands of candidates a year and hire thousands to add to their workforce in the country. 

“While our interviews have gone completely paperless, our automated response management system facilitates seamless communication with the hundreds of thousands of candidates we assess in a year, ” Satish Jeyaraman, vice president, human resources, Cognizant said.

The company is now able to process several thousand offers in an hour and has been able to reduce onboarding time per employee from a day to less than 15 minutes and arrest instances of fake offers and impersonations, he said.

Cognizant employs globally over 2.81 lakh people with nearly two thirds in India. Tech Mahindra has over 121,000 employees globally, while Capgemini has over 200,000 people with more than half in India.

”We use AI based tools to shortlist CVs and select the most likely candidates,” Harshvendra Soin, chief people officer, Tech Mahindra said.

The shortened hiring process and the reduced cost of people quitting the job early would both result in savings and increased efficiency and productivity, he said. “While earlier HR was focused on efficiency, now it’s about transformation”.

Millenials comprise almost 70% of the workforce and use the latest consumer technology in their personal lives. They have come to expect a similar experience in the workplace as well, and gamification of processes and enterprise chatbots are just some aspects of this natural progression of technology in the workplace.

“Technology is enabling us to improve the speed and scale of candidate conversion, enhance candidate experience and most importantly, improve productivity of our talent acquisition team,” said Jaideep Chavan, vice president and head of talent acquisition – India, Capgemini, said.

Similarly at Tata Communications, an AI engine is used to sift through all publicly available resumes, not just people who apply for the job, to determine who is the best match for the role.

Last year, Tech Mahindra launched Talex, an AI driven talent marketplace that matches an employee’s profile to existing job openings within the organisation and gives a score for the skill match. Tata Communications too has implemented a similar system. 

Aadesh Goyal, chief human resources officer, Tata Communications said, “We are currently testing an upgraded version where it would then suggest the skills the employee needs to bridge the gap if it is more than 30%. This will be mapped to training programs they can do. This is especially important if there is no future growth likely in that role.” The new feature is likely to be introduced later this year.

Startups are building tech-based HR business practices to build business. Monjin, an AI powered online interviewing platform has created a data base of candidates interviewed by experts for specific roles in addition to carrying out interviews for companies. 

Abhijit Kashyape, founder, Monjin said, “On average, companies have seen their overall recruitment cycle reduce by eight weeks, and improved conversion rates by up to 70%.”, another startup has introduced a psychometric tool for soft skill and behavioural assessment, which would be useful when hiring for sales or customer facing roles. It’s an online assessment tool which uses audio-video and text data to determine if the person is suited for the role and takes away the bias in the hiring process. “It is not trying to replace HR but ensuring accuracy of assessment,” said CEO, Mayank Sharma.

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