Actor Rana Daggubati, who used to be an avid reader of Amar Chitra Katha books in childhood, has now come up with an Amar Chitra Katha learning centre called ACK Alive. The "Baahubali: The Beginning" actor has teamed up with Amar Chitra Katha (ACK) and Kishore Biyani of Future Group to create the centre.
On his latest venture, Rana said in a statement: "I discovered Amar Chitra Katha like the rest of India. These comics were my favourite story-tellers in childhood. Soon enough, I realised that these weren't just stories or comic books, these were carriers of our ethos and values."
For him Amar Chitra Katha's comics were a "route for him to discover a lot more about the multidimensional culture this land has nurtured over the decades."
He promised that ACK Alive will "become a tool in carrying forward the Indian legacy - not just through stories, but with art, sciences and life skills entrenched in our roots."
Rana also announced about the centre on his social media by uploading a video in which he gave his followers a walkthrough of the place.
Retweeting his tweet, filmmaker Karan Johar shared his love for Amar Chitra Katha .
He said: "I grew up on Amar Chitra Katha ! The treasure trove of stories."
ACK Alive will open its doors on Sunday for the public with a series of free fun-filled sessions till April 14. It will also conduct a series of workshops and learning modules for children.
On the film front, Rana will next be seen in "Housefull 4".
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