Protesters clash with riot police at Hong Kong airport - Hindustan Times


Tuesday 13 August 2019

Protesters clash with riot police at Hong Kong airport


Visuals of riot police entering the Hong Kong International Airport and clashing with protesters have begun circulating on social media.
Reuters reported that a scuffle broke out between police and protesters during the process of escorting an injured person out of the terminal. The agency reports that riot police were deployed after protesters blocked police vehicles at the scene and that pepper spray was deployed.
In live video feeds of the airport, the riot police can be seen patrolling the perimeter of the airport. According to reports by Sky News, police arrested a few protesters and took them away. In at least one clip, police are seen entering the terminal.
Part of the live footage showed a lone protester placing black umbrellas on top of the terminal signs, a symbolic reference to the 2014 pro-democracy protests dubbed the Umbrella Movement. 
Another clip shows a policeman attempting to arrest a protester, being dispelled by other protesters, and then pulling his firearm before backing off.
Fears that tensions in Hong Kong could be met with military action has risen after state-media released footage showed paramilitary forces assembling in the neighbouring city of Shenzhen.
The HKAI has been occupied by protesters for two days straight, with flights disrupted and fears growing that the economy will take a toll from the unrest. Largescale demonstrations in Hong Kong have been ongoing for two months now.
China's mission to the United Nations has rejected a statement by the organisations Human Rights Commission which accussed the state's forces of breaking international norms in its response to the protests. China's statement, reported by Reuters, says protesters smashed public facilities, paralysed the airport, blocked public transport and used lethal weapons "showing a tendency of resorting to terrorism." 
As of 22:07 local time, emergency workers could be seen carrying out an injured protester on a stretcher.

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