Nirav Modi is a household name now. The fugitive diamantaire is the main accused in the over Rs 13,000-crore Punjab National Bank scam and the man was recently tracked down by UK-based The Telegraph. Now, a few days after an arrest warrant against him, Nirav Modi has been arrested in London after a year-long chase. Reportedly, he was arrested from a metro station in Holborn, in central London. It was on March 8, when The Telegraph released a video that showed Modi sporting a moustache and a beard and walking down the street in West London. In the video, he can be continuously heard replying to all of the reporter's questions with 'no comment'. With that being said, the internet went gaga over the fact that Nirav Modi was spotted donning an Ostrich leather jacket, which happens cost 10,000 pounds i.e. Rs 9 lakhs.
Ostrich skin is said to be super expensive due to its unique bump texture, which is the result of vacant quill follicles. The bird skin requires an intricate, specialised and expensive production process making its aesthetic value costly. It was in 2016 when animal rights organisation PETA felt that ostriches were mistreated in the process of obtaining their leather. Allegedly, young animals are stripped of their feathers without any sedation (illegal as per World Ostrich Association) and then killed. PETA then asked for a ban on the illegal practice.
Exclusive: Telegraph journalists tracked down Nirav Modi, the billionaire diamond tycoon who is a suspect for the biggest banking fraud in India's history— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) March 8, 2019
Spotting Nirav Modi wearing an Ostrich leather jacket makes us want to believe that the man loves flirting with everything illegal. He managed to fool the financial system in India and fled the country, but the law seems to have caught up with him and his extravagance. With news on Nirav Modi breaking every now and then, the internet is having its share of fun. Twitter could not keep calm over this ostrich skin jacket and also erupted with loads of emotions. Have a look at them below:
The moral of the story is this...No matter how hard you try...No matter how much ostrich skin you wear.....It's hard to get a cab in London. #NiravModi— Vir Das (@thevirdas) March 9, 2019
Best part about the video? #NiravModi wearing ostrich hide jacket worth 10,000 quid— sunetra choudhury (@sunetrac) March 9, 2019
"Sorry, no comment" says #NiravModi trying to 'bury his head in the sand'The fact that he was wearing an Ostrich hide jacket is only a strange coincidence!— Gautham Shanbhogue (@ohmygaut) March 9, 2019
It could have been titled better "Finding NiMo" ;)— Susheel Pant (@sanjuP1981) March 9, 2019
Additionally, for those not in the know, Paul Manafort, the former campaign manager for Donald Trump, who was reportedly convicted and sentenced to prison for millions of dollars of tax fraud also owns this exotic jacket, just like Nirav Modi. Looks like illegal activity and extravagance go hand-in-hand. What say?
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